Revolutionizing Project Freight Management with Advanced Visual Thinking and Reporting Tools

The Project Freight Management industry is undergoing a transformation, with more companies offering comprehensive services to shippers and project forwarders. This shift is driven by the emergence of advanced visual thinking and project reporting tools, such as mind mapping, process mapping, storyboarding, root cause analysis, and more. These tools are helping to streamline the project freight management process, making it more efficient and cost-effective.

In addition, companies are also leveraging visual project collaboration tools, such as project war rooms, project science fairs, visual project displays, 3D project environments, project social media, and projeXsmart. ProjeXsmart, an XELLZ platform, and PFN Network exclusive, is a web-based system that is created on project management principles and built to suit the project freight management functionality. It is already used by multinationals in the energy sector, and has helped to reduce communication by up to 70%, as well as generate impressive cost savings.

Ultimately, the use of visual thinking and project reporting tools is helping to make the project freight management process more efficient, cost-effective, and transparent. This is helping to revolutionize the industry and make it more competitive.

So, what are your systems of use? Let us know if you feel like sharing.